May 2022


Female sexuality has actually been significantly discussed in basic. Nevertheless, to comprehend the root of its association as a taboo topic, it is needed to look back and keep in mind the structures produced in the “origin” of humanity as we know it.

The Bible and mythology respectively point to the introduction of ladies as a repercussion of male existence. The first approach explains that Eve was created from a male’s rib, while the second develops her development through the castrated penis of a god.

Through these 2 initial hairs it is possible to better understand how we got to this point where it is so hard to liquify the precept that the female body and sexuality are a mere extension of the manly – a problem that is frequently duplicated in the medical, speculative and even on the sex education side of the discussion.

In today’s material, we mean to talk about a little about the taboo that permeates female sexuality and how it hinders women’s health, in addition to providing some misconceptions and facts on the subject. Come on ?!

But after all, why is female sexuality still a taboo?

Having sexuality and the female body linked to numerous myths and untruths has actually made us all pay a high rate that is generally connected to an essential element: social control.

This force of patriarchy over females’s bodies made gynecology, as a medical specialized, appear really late. And, even when it was developed, it was still explored as a branch that was reduced to studying the female body as an exclusively reproductive medium.

Even with the change of surroundings at the start of the 21st century, the aura that penetrates female sexuality and sexual pleasure is still really embedded in taboos and normative rules. Sadly, the various methods of feeling pleasure in the female body– in relation to the male body– is seen as a disorder, which in turn is equated by intricacies related to health, and which, consequently, require to be “tamed” and medicated.

A sexual system as complex as the female one can certainly contribute to the development of diseases and intimate infections, we have already spoken about this subject here on the blog, but relating this multiplicity to problems that develop from the contrast with male sexuality is what motivates the maintenance of the taboo around this topic.

Because we are discussing myths and taboos, how about understanding, at last, whether or not you can have sex while menstruating?

What is the importance of sexuality for a woman’s body and health?

garden_godAn active sex life is completely connected to the health of the female body, as the correct performance of the organism and mental health concerns are likewise linked to the ability to guarantee maximum sexual fulfillment.

Experts in the field who discuss a feminist gynecology explain the value of not letting the gynecological assessment become almost hormones. They argue that the space should be open to attend to all fields of sexuality.

I invite you, then, for an exercise at your next visit with the gynecologist: reveal the specialist who is seeing you that you want to talk honestly about 2 elements of your sex life. First, preventive care and, second, sexuality in practice.

In addition to the traditional exams, examining homonyms and avoiding STIs, ask questions about the entire universe of exploring the body and its sexuality– this specialist is also there for that!

This link in between sexuality and ladies’s health offers various advantages for the performance of the organism, wellness and even the mental demand required by regular practices. A few of these advantages are:

  1. Stimulation of concentration and creativity;
  2. Improved blood flow;
  3. Increased resistance;
  4. Reduction of body and muscle discomfort;
  5. Enhanced quality of sleep;
  6. Reinforcing self-confidence and self-knowledge.